Many studies show a positive link between increased water consumption and weight loss. Below are five reasons why water can help you lose weight.
- Water is a natural appetite suppressant
When the stomach feels full, it sends signals to the brain to stop eating. Water can help fill the stomach, leading to a feeling of satiety and reduced hunger.
Sometimes you can also think that you are hungry when you are actually thirsty. Drinking a glass of water before eating can help you eat smaller meals.
Water increases calorie burning
Some research indicates that drinking room temperature or cold water can help burn calories. Drinking cold water can improve calorie burning because the body burns calories by heating the water for proper digestion.
- Water helps to remove waste from the body
When the body is dehydrated, it cannot remove waste such as urine or feces properly. Water helps the kidneys filter toxins and wastes while the body retains important nutrients and electrolytes. When the body is dehydrated, the kidneys retain fluid.
Staying hydrated is a great way to avoid keeping waste, which can add a few extra pounds. When waste builds up in the body, you can feel bloated, swollen and tired. Inflation can also add extra inches to your waist measurement.
- Drinking water can reduce the total liquid calorie intake
It is easy to add liquid calories by drinking soda, juice, sweetened coffee or tea. Most people do not realize how many calories they are consuming in sports drinks or alcoholic beverages.
Replacing calorie drinks with water or other calorie-free drinks, such as herbal teas, will have long-term weight loss benefits.
Without water, the body cannot properly metabolize stored fats or carbohydrates. Drinking enough water is important for burning fat from food and drink, as well as stored fat.
Tips to increase water intake
There is no standard recommendation for how much water to drink. Some people need more or less water, depending on various factors such as health, activity level, body size and age.
The following tips can help increase water intake:
– Drink at least one glass of water with each meal
– Bring water in a reusable water bottle
– Drink extra water when exercising
– Drink extra water when it is hot, humid or very sunny
– Have a glass of water near the bed
– Eat more fruits and vegetables with a high water content such as melons, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce